Aug 25, 2021
OnlyFans does U-turn?
OnlyFans have delayed their decision to change their policy on sexually explicit content After a huge backlash by its users OnlyFans have...
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Aug 22, 2021
New phones with no chargers?
KEEP YOUR OLD PHONE CHARGERS!!! When buying a new phone you'd expect to see a charger in the box but Apple and Samsung have since moved...
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Aug 22, 2021
OnlyFans turning PG?
OnlyFans gets rid of explicit content OnlyFans is a subscription service for content creators founded by Tim Stokely of Fenix...
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Aug 2, 2021
Zoom pays £61.9m ($86m) in Class Action lawsuit!
Zoom has settled a Class Action lawsuit in the US by paying $86m, the lawsuit was for multiple counts of privacy accusations where Zoom...
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Aug 2, 2021
NHS COVID app updated to notify less people.
The COVID app in the UK is being changed so that less people are notified to self-isolate if they've been in contact! The app will now...
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Aug 1, 2021
IeuTech: New tech site!
IeuTech is a new and exciting project I've been working on, it's a chance for me to help people from over the globe with a variety of...
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